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Pioneering Vape Technology: A Generation Ahead

13/12/2023 By AME-li Off

The design of the first generation of vape mimicked the shape of regular real cigarettes exactly in appearance. The cartridges were yellow in color and the body was white. This first generation of vape has been popular for a few years now, because it looks similar to real cigarettes and is accepted by customers on first impression. However, as people use the first-generation Vape more and more, especially foreign customers, they gradually find many shortcomings of the first-generation Vape in the process of using them, mainly in the atomizer. . The atomizer of the first-generation vape is easy to burn out, and it is easy to damage the tip of the atomizer when replacing the cartridges. Over time, it would wear out completely and eventually the atomizer would stop smoking.

The second generation of Vape is slightly longer than the first generation of Vape, with a typical diameter of 9.25 millimeters. The main feature is an improved atomizer. There is a protective cover on the outside of the atomizer, and the cartridges are inserted into the atomizer. The first generation of vape is the atomizer is inserted into the smoke bomb new Vape, which is exactly the opposite. The most notable feature of the second generation of vape is the combination of the cartridge and the atomizer.

The third generation of vape uses disposable atomizer smoke bomb, which is equivalent to the atomizer is disposable. It solves the previous problems, the quality has been greatly improved, the appearance and raw materials have changed.

Ingredients of vape

Although there are different styles or brands of Vape, Vape are generally made up of three parts: a pipe containing a nicotine solution, a vaporizing device, and a battery. The atomizer is powered by a battery stick that converts the liquid nicotine inside the cartridge into a mist that gives the user the feeling of smoking when inhaling, achieving the effect of “exhaling clouds”. You can even add chocolate, mint, and other flavorings to the pipe according to your personal preference.


The internal structure of the stem uses the same basic components: a lightweight PCBA board, rechargeable batteries, and various electronic circuits.

Most Vape utilize lithium-ion and secondary battery power packs. Battery life depends on battery type and size, frequency of use, and operating environment. There are many different types of battery chargers available, such as direct socket chargers, car chargers, USB port chargers, etc. The battery is the largest component of an vape. The battery is the largest component of an vape.

Some Vape use an electronic airflow sensor to activate this heating element, which in turn activates the battery circuit when inhaling. Manual sensing requires the user to push a button and then smoke. Pneumatic is easy to use and the manual circuit is relatively more stable and has better smoke output than pneumatic. As hardware and software have evolved, some manufacturers have begun to develop fully automated machinery to manufacture Vape, eliminating the use of manual wiring, soldering or electronics for greater safety and reliability.


Generally, the cartridge is the mouthpiece part, and some vape factories make disposable atomizers by bonding the atomizer to the cartridges or oils according to customer demand. The advantage of this is that it can greatly improve the taste and smoke volume of Vape, and the quality is also more stable, because the atomizer is the most easy to break. Traditional Vape have separate atomizers that break within a few days. . The liquid is injected by factory professionals, avoiding the problem of injecting too much or too little liquid by yourself, which can lead to liquid backing up into the mouth or flowing into the battery part to corrode the circuit. The liquid storage capacity is also larger and better sealed than ordinary vape cartridges, so it lasts longer than other vape cartridges.

Only a few brands currently have this technology. The structure of the atomizer is a heating element, through the battery power to generate heat, leading to the side of the smoke oil volatilization to form smoke, so as to achieve the effect of people inhaling “cloud”.

Harmful effects of Vape

For a long time, the business does not contain tar, suspended particles and other harmful ingredients as a selling point to promote Vape, and even under the banner of “smoking cessation magic weapon”, “lung”. As we all know, the safety of Vape has not been fully proved scientifically. Up to now, there is no systematic safety assessment data on Vape at home and abroad. Therefore, it is not yet possible to determine what potential risks Vape will bring to the user’s health.

When people use Vape, they may inhale a variety of other undiscovered toxic compounds in addition to nicotine. Secondhand smoke from Vape can also be a health hazard. Vape also release respirable liquid fine and ultrafine particles, nicotine and carcinogens indoors. Because Vape do not produce smoke, they are more likely to mislead consumers into false perceptions of safety and health.

Some Vape contain extremely high levels of nicotine and may be much more harmful than regular cigarettes. Although Vape do not contain tar, the nicotine in them is not harmless. Inhaling nicotine alone can also lead to health risks. Nicotine itself is not a carcinogen, but it can act as a “tumor initiator”. In addition, there is strong evidence that fetal and adolescent exposure to nicotine can have long-term adverse effects on brain development.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration tested the ingredients in 19 vape models and found that vape smoking devices contain carcinogens and other chemicals that are toxic to humans. They also analyzed the ingredients of two of the best-selling vape pipes and found that they contained diethylene glycol, which can damage the kidneys in high doses. Carcinogens such as nitrosamines were also found in other samples. French national consumer researchers also noted that some vape products contain such high levels of nicotine that they can even kill babies. A highly toxic molecule called acrolein is also produced because vape devices heat up too quickly.

In 2013, the German Federal Center for Health Education (Bundeszentrum für Gesundheitliche Aufklärung) conducted a study and analysis of Vape and found that they contain high levels of propylene glycol, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract and trigger a number of acute symptoms. She believes that Vape may be more harmful to human health than traditional cigarettes.

Vape are applicable to the following groups of people

1. User group

①People who smoke for a long time and are in a bad mood.

② Work in smoke-free places for a long time and have the habit of smoking.

③ There are smoking cessation volunteers (although vape can not quit smoking new vape, but can assist in quitting smoking).

2、Applicable places

① Can be used in airplanes, trains, theaters, hospitals, libraries and other non-smoking places.

② can be used in gas stations, forests and other fire ban, fire prevention units.

3. Minors under 18 years old are prohibited from using Vape.